Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i dig tacky christmas

Growing up, our house was decorated like whoa for Christmas. Our tree was always quite a masterpiece. My mother's exquisite hand-blown glass ornaments and fragile crystal pieces, hung alongside our popsicle and macaroni ornaments. Such a splendid sight. Until I was in high school - then my sisters and I started longing for a more "grown-up" tree.

We began choosing"color themes" for the holiday. We would decorate our tree only in that color scheme, wrap our presents in those coordinating colors, and my mom would even decorate the dinner table to match. We weren't decorating with the macaroni ornaments...and many of our "silly" childhood decorations were kept in their boxes. It was all about the "designer" look.

Boy am I over that. Now, I'm all about the Christmas decorations that not only make memories, but help recall special memories. Bring on those popsicle creations! Bust out the macaroni! Screw the stuffy department store decor that looks impersonal. I long for a good old fashion (tacky?) Christmas.

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